RPM Standard
The RPM Standard is designed to help assist your organization to measure and manage its plastic use and to provide verification and assurance of your responsible approach to plastics.
This is a systems and process-based Standard, developed and peer reviewed by plastic, sustainability and environmental certification experts. Your organization can determine the specific scope of the certification review.
Our shared goal is to increase plastic circularity and to reduce problem plastic. Meeting the RPM Standard criteria can be seen as clear evidence of achievement.
The Responsible Plastic Management Standard was created as a credible and positive response to increased public, political and market concern regarding plastic waste and mismanagement.
The RPM Standard complements and aligns with existing ISO Standards (ISO 14001:2015, 17422:2018); and collaborative initiatives and goals including national Plastic Pacts, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, EU Plastics Strategy and the UN Environment Programme for Tackling Plastic Pollution.
We will review and update the Standard periodically in accordance with ISO and ISEAL Standard Setting Code of Good Practice.

RPM Standard Components

Certification to the RPM Standard will give your organization a credible verified statement and communication of achievement in Responsible Plastic Management. It offers verification of the improvements made in reducing, reusing and recycling of plastic.
This delivers an independent and robust statement of integrity and exactness.
Third-Party Certification provides assurance to Customers and Stakeholders that improvements and claims are verifiable and credible.
Once approved and certified Organizations can gain access to the RPM Program Trust Mark.
The RPM Trust Mark provides visible recognition of RPM achievement.
RPM Project Assistance can help to set up your organization for RPM Standard Certification. We also offer a ‘Verified Engaged’ Soloution for organizations that wish to have only a specific plastic scope reviewed and improvement confirmed e.g single-use plastics.
Certification is currently carried out by LRQA & Control Union. Organizations should contact the RPM Program team in the first instance.